On the Transformative Journey of a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Teacher

MBCT Training

MBCT Professional 5 Day Training

Receive a thorough grounding in the 8-session group MBCT program designed to prevent depressive relapse. Learn how to bridge between the MBCT treatment manual and the moment-to-moment process of teaching therapeutic mindfulness skills in a group setting.

Completing this 5 day training is the first of three steps to becoming qualified MBCT teacher through the UCSD MBCT Teacher Qualification and Certification program.

3 Step MBCT Training Process

5 Day MBCT Training at Hollyhock Retreat Centre

September 23 - 28, 2018

Hollyhock, Cortes Island, BC

You will experience an intensive 5-day training, comprised of a mix of didactic, experiential, and small group learning.

The daily schedule is rigorous, with mindfulness practice and teaching sessions scheduled from 0715 to 2100, with one to two hour meal breaks. There is limited time to participate in extracurricular activities.

About Your Instructors

Mark A. Lau PhD, R Psych

Mark A. Lau PhD, R Psych

Mark is a registered psychologist in private practice at the Vancouver CBT Centre, a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia, a Founding Fellow of both the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies and a Certified Trainer/Consultant of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Mark has over 20 years experience offering MBCT and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in both group and individual formats. He has also trained mental health professionals in MBCT & CBT including single and multi-day professional MBCT trainings offered across North America, and abroad including Europe and Australia. In addition, he has provided MBCT workshops to research administrators, researchers, lawyers and their support staff, academic staff and to the general public.

Mark currently offers (along with Dr. Andrea Grabovac) a longitudinal consultation course for graduates of the 5-day MBCT Hollyhock professional training in Vancouver. He and Andrea have offered similar versions of this course for the past 6 years to mental health professionals looking for additional support in teaching MBCT.

Andrea Grabovac, MD, FRCP(C)

Andrea Grabovac, MD, FRCP(C)

A practicing psychiatrist and internationally known expert in mindfulness training for clinicians, Andrea has developed a unique teaching style that highlights the clinical relevance of the Buddhist psychological frameworks underpinning MBCT. She supports and trains clinicians in integrating the experiences and insights that arise in their personal practice into their clinical work with MBCT participants. This allows clinicians to embody the core principles of mindfulness while guiding MBCT meditation practices, inquiring into participants’ mindfulness practices, and managing group dynamics.

Together with Mark Lau, she has provided intensive training and supervision to over 80 mental health clinicians through the Vancouver-based MBCT Consultation Course, a monthly supervision group focusing on integrating structured personal practice experience with clinical applications. Andrea also provides individual clinical and extended mentorship through the MBCT Teacher Certification program at the UCSD Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute. In collaboration with Erin Burrell, she has developed competency-based mindfulness training criteria for Canadian psychiatrists.